- Neal Doneald Walsch, Author
Why this learning system can propel you towards sustainable transformational results:
It's Simple!
Simple & To the Point
Each course’s key concepts are simplified through our unique mind maps that detail the key points and their connecting points. You get the entire picture in one graphic.
It's Clear
Clear & Focused
You will not get lost in esoteric mumbo jumbo. We have distilled down challenging concepts into crystal clear distinctions, practices and disciplines.
It's Integrated!
Integrated & Aligned
These courses engage your mind, your heart and your body. This is an integrated approach that results in embodied learning—the foundation of transformational change.
It's Applicable!
Just when you need it!
You get courses on topics that matter most to you. This is where the “rubber meets the road”. When it comes to generating the results you desire in your day to day living, you can count on our course materials to get you there. Clear, simple...and just in time!
It's Easy to Use!
Listen, Read & Apply!
You can download the audio portion of the courses or stream it on your computer or mobile device. You can read the material and digest the mind maps on your computer, mobile device or print it out. This is portable learning that can go wherever you are.
It Fits!
Work at Your Pace
Wonder if you really have time to fit this style of learning in your life? You can engage any course at any time—24-7, 365 days a year. Spend minutes a day and get outsized results! Our format is designed for people who are “up to something” and on the go.
Enjoy 16 Modules on Transformational Living!
(More Being Added Shortly)
You have full access to all of our courses 24/7, 365 days per year.
You can work through the courses in any order you choose.
We do organize the courses into a three level structure to provide sequential direction to students who desire to work through the material in an optimal order for maximum learning. The sixteen course modules were developed in a particular order, so if you choose to engage them that way, they are presented in that particular order below. However, each course is standalone also, so you can pick and choose as you see fit.
Three Levels of Courses
First Level Courses
Focus on Deepening Personal Awareness
Second Level Courses
Focus on Creating Deeper Connection and Value with Others
Third Level Courses
Focus on Accelerating Results
Course Design
Why Our Course Design Works So Well…
Each one of our courses is designed to create the biggest possibility for transformational learning. In order for a learning opportunity to be truly transformational—causing a shift in character and being—it must be an integrated learning process.
Here's what an integrated process means:
Head, Heart, Body
We incorporate all three learning centers into the process—both the head (mental), heart (emotional) and body (instinctual) – enabling you to effectively build new habits of relating, being and doing.
Clear Distinctions
The Course material gives simple explanations and examples of the distinctions covered, enabling you to quickly grasp the steps forward.
Mind Maps
Each course has beautiful mind maps to graphically offer easy summaries of key points. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. These mind maps are key to grasping the key elements of each course and how they are connected.
Audio Discussion
An average of two hours of audio drill down material dives deep into how to apply the material. This conversational material opens up the insights as to how to apply and incorporate the material into the specifics of your daily life.
Practice Guide
The Practice Guide engages the emotional and instinctual learning centers through reflective inquiry and exercises. This key element enables you to build the distinctions into your heart and soul, such that genuine change results.
Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness practices are offered with many of the courses to further stimulate an embodied learning experience. Building mindfulness habits into your approach will supercharge the growth you experience.
Just In Time Content
Each course is designed to be engaged over several weeks. This enables you to fit it into your busy life and still have the consistency of application to develop new habits. And transformational living is built upon the foundation of building new habits of relating.
Sustainable Results
If you do the course work, the learning & competence will come. If you work it, it works.
Communinity Support
We encourage you to work through each course with fellow Transform University members. Get your friends to join and work through the courses in a self-directed small group environment!
Mobile Friendly
You can stream or download the audio and Transform-University is mobile friendly, thus allowing you to have maximum flexibility as to when you engage the material—whether it is while working out, traveling, on your phone, tablet or computer.
The Five Pillars of Every Program
Our integrated learning approach enables you to not only understand the distinctions presented, but to embody them into your heart and body. It integrates the learning with your mind, your emotional center, and instinctual center.

Each course comes with a detailed article on the topic of focus

A deeper dive discussion on practical application
Mind Maps

Mind Maps
Beautiful graphical representations of key concepts
Practice Guide

Practice Guide
Reflective and application based exercises to bring it to fruition in your life
Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness Exercises
The key to embodying your learning experience so it sticks
It doesn't get better than this!
Give this a try….
What Members are Saying

"Over a year ago I got into a verbal altercation with a coworker. It went bad, and bad things were said. That day I knew I needed to change. I needed to be different. I needed to learn how to navigate my feelings, and diagnose them so I could make better decisions. Transform University has filled that need. I am NOT the same person I was a year ago. Have I been yelled at, yes. Did it hurt, of course, but now I have the tools to break down my internal conversation and sift through my feelings. I learned to rise above the aggression I was faced with and not only bring the situation to a conclusion but build a stronger working relationship with my coworkers by understanding their point of view. I learned mindfulness exercises to calm my internal conversation and build confidence before big meetings or yearly reviews. My supervisor even told me that if someone asked him who in the office got along with everyone he would name me as that individual. I knew then I was on the right track, and had the confidence to succeed in my field. My journey isn’t over yet. There is still so much to learn and build upon. Transformation University will be on that journey with me."

“I was so excited to sign up for the Transform University to continue the work of transformation in my own life. As I went through the exercises in the courses, I realized that there were hurts that I had been holding on to from previous relationships that I had been involved with. I was allowing these hurts to determine how I related to others in the area of trust and listening. Going through the Trust exercises and the Generous listening exercises, helped me realize that. I was not allowing myself to trust and my listening was affected by the hurt I was holding on to. Although I can’t do anything about others’ behavior or reactions, I do have control over my own thoughts, feelings and reactions. Being available to listen generously and being willing to trust again opens up the possibility of being with others on a deeper level. The exercises really helped me gain perspective and shift the attitudes that were holding me back. Thanks Kris and Lata for the work you put in to the courses. This is a great way to continue the work of transformation in my life.”

Change, renewal, transformation, connection, freedom...MORE! These are the words that capture the yearning of my heart. I want to experience MORE...to love and connect with my family MORE. Transform University has given me the tools to set this in motion. With amazing teaching and training tools, I have been able at my own pace to stop being stuck and begin to make the changes that I say I want for my life. I am so grateful for these resources and am seeing that as I do the work, it is producing boundless fruit.

"Over a year ago I got into a verbal altercation with a coworker. It went bad, and bad things were said. That day I knew I needed to change. I needed to be different. I needed to learn how to navigate my feelings, and diagnose them so I could make better decisions. Transform University has filled that need. I am NOT the same person I was a year ago. Have I been yelled at, yes. Did it hurt, of course, but now I have the tools to break down my internal conversation and sift through my feelings. I learned to rise above the aggression I was faced with and not only bring the situation to a conclusion but build a stronger working relationship with my coworkers by understanding their point of view. I learned mindfulness exercises to calm my internal conversation and build confidence before big meetings or yearly reviews. My supervisor even told me that if someone asked him who in the office got along with everyone he would name me as that individual. I knew then I was on the right track, and had the confidence to succeed in my field. My journey isn’t over yet. There is still so much to learn and build upon. Transformation University will be on that journey with me."
How It Works
You get instant access to Sixteen Transformational Courses that you can take at your own pace.

For Each Course You Take
Follow These Seven Easy Steps
1- Understand The Framework (Picturing it in your mind)
Our beautiful Mind Maps give you a graphical view of the key concepts for each course. You see the connecting points of the key elements quickly.
2- Learn the Distinctions (Understanding key distinctions)
Read the course material to learn the key distinctions to apply.
3- Listen to Audio (Understanding key distinctions)
Read the course material to learn the key distinctions to apply.
4- Complete the Exercises (Hearing nuances and application examples)
The Audio sessions are a discussion between Lata and Kris that drills down on key elements of that course with personal examples often offered.
5-Practice What You Learned (Applying the distinctions practically in your life)
It is all just theory until you apply it. The Practice Guide is the starting key to see it happen.
6- Evaluate the Results (Integrating the distinctions from your mind into your heart and body)
Each course has specific mindfulness practices that set the stage for what leads to true transformational learning—the integration of your head, heart and body intelligence into an embodied learning experience.
7- Move to the Next Course (Continuing to build upon the foundation laid)
This is the work of a lifetime. It is a continual learning process. You continue to build by engaging another course. We will be adding courses on a regular basis.
Try The Program for 30-Days - Risk Free
Get Access For An Entire Month for Just $1
Risk Free Commitment
Cancel At Any Time
Risk Free
With Transform University there are no lock in contracts. You can stay for as short or as long as you like, and cancel anytime with a quick adjustment in your account settings.
Amazing Content!
Engaging, Memorable, Just-In Time
Risk Free
We bring you powerful, inspirational, transforming, high impact content!
High Impact
Integrated learning & growth
Risk Free
This integrated learning system impacts your head, heart and body. This is mental, emotional and instinctual growth
Here's What You Get
Sign up today and get…
Unlimited access to sixteen transformational courses (we’re adding material on an on-going basis).
Over 20 hours of audio content
Easy to understand course materials
Mindmaps and Exercises that you can instantly apply to accelerate results…
Powerful mindfulness exercises that are key to sustainable results
Motivational video, audio and music to teach & inspire you in every session.
It’s risk free & you can cancel at any time!
Regular $29 / Today $1
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a minimum contract?
No, you can cancel your Transform University subscription at any time.
What happens after the $1 trial?
You will be charged $29 per month after your trial, and can cancel any time.
Will I get access to everything immediately?
You get access to all the courses immediately, even during your trial period. We are that confident in this program.