This course helps you to learn how to quickly recognize & shift from unresourceful attitudes to resourceful attitudes in order to revitalize your experience of living
Very few things have more of an impact on your experience of living than your attitude. But, more often than not, it seems that our attitudes just “happen” to us, with little ability to control or shift them with nimbleness and flexibility. This course gives you the tools to dramatically increase your effectiveness in shifting from unresourceful to resourceful attitudes in a timely fashion. We also give you the keys to recognizing when you are indulging or captured by attitudes that will hinder your ability to be effective and successful.
Take this course and other courses in “Level One” sequentially for optimized learning
All Courses in Level One
Course 101
Transformation – What it is

Course 102
Taming the Brain

Course 103
Being Authentic

Course 104
Addressing Attitudes

Course 106
Commitment to Transformation

Course 105
Relationship With Failure