The End Game
For Everything We Will Be Considering
“Why We Are Doing What We Are Doing”
Welcome to our very first blog! We will be sending these blogs to you three times per week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The topic will always be under the big umbrella of “transformation.” But, it usually will deal with specific considerations.
These blogs will be short—designed to read in a few minutes. And the goal is to provoke conscious thought (which always beats the heck out of unconscious thoughtlessness).
Our vision is to support you
in being the absolute best version of yourself that you can be.
Each blog will also end with a question and our hope is that you will link to our Facebook page and answer the question or post comments and start a dialogue with others on the Facebook page. And we will join in that dialogue also.
When I say “we”, I am referring to Lata Chawla and myself. We are the founders of If you want to learn more about us, you can by clicking here. While I will be the primary blog contributor, Lata will post blog entries also.
We consider it a privilege and honor
to be allowed into your life
through this blog, and will always value your
time and your feedback.
This ongoing process is designed to support new awareness and new results through:
- Self observation
- Self reflection
- Shifts in frames of reference, leading to…
- New intentional action, leading to…
- New results
What is Transformation?
We say transformation is an opportunity to uncover and redesign the underlying assumptions out of which you live your life such that you experience a profound shift in your ability to relate to yourself and others, empowering you to fully engage your heartfelt commitments with freedom and passion.
That definition is a mouthful. Read it thoughtfully. A lot of people prior to us have put a lot of time into the consideration of what transformation is, and that definition reflects generations of thought on the topic.
Transformation is the end game for everything we will be considering.