July 2015 – Newsletter

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 July 2015 – Newsletter



Welcome to this month’s newsletter!


We take a break once a month from our blog posting schedule to step back and discuss in this newsletter things going on with transform-university.com and how you can participate.


In our experience, one of the most critical elements of living transformationally is to be in committed, connected, authentic community. Authentic community does not happen by accident. It requires a shared commitment and vision.


Being in community gives us the opportunity to shift from our natural tendency to always be the center of our own universe to attitudes of love, care and empowering engagement with others.


It helps us continually relearn that our view of the “way things are” is never the “official version.” And we can expand our capacity to make a difference by open heartedly engaging others with curiosity, care and openness.


Almost all of the fifteen transformational disciplines we cover in our book, Transform, happen within the context of relationships. They presuppose that life is about relationship, and to be the fullest expression of the gift you have been made to be for the world, authentic engagement is foundational.


We define authentic as being true to what is so for you for the purpose of creating connection and value with another. While we necessarily need to focus on ourselves to notice what is and is not working in our lives, the ultimate evidence for who we are being in this life is revealed within the nature of our relationships.


Here are some ways in which you can help us get the word out and build a vibrant community of transformative learners:
  • Share your thoughts regarding the questions or suggestions at the end of each post on the transform-university.com Facebook timeline.
  • Share our blog posts on your Facebook timeline or Twitter.
  • Forward the blog post to friends.


At the bottom of every blog post, there are links that enable you to do all the above.


Help us expand the community of people with a passion for transformational living! Spread the word!


And check out the Insiders Club, which is our ongoing deeper dive into building transformational living and results it brings into the fabric of who you are.  It is a growing community of learners who:
  • Focus on one transformational discipline per month, with that month’s article
  • Consider specific reflective learning questions and exercises
  • Listen to audio recordings with much added detail on that month’s topic
  • Join a monthly group coaching call
  • Practice weekly mindfulness disciplines to build that month’s topic/focus into much more than just a mental concept, but rather an embodied reality.


The Insiders Club is just enough material but not too much. It is doable and, over time, profoundly impactfulLearn more here.


We are so glad you are a part of this community with us and so appreciate your passion for “taking yourself on” and creating the greatest possible expression of you. That is rare and courageous. We are honored to be a part of that.


If you haven’t already, please follow us on Facebook!


All the best,


Kris and Lata


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