The Biggest Key To Developing New Habits

by Kris Kile

We have had around twenty blog posts on the topic of Taming The Brain. Next week we will go to a new topic, which you chose in a survey we did back in June. The topic that got the most votes as something you would like to hear about next is Conversations For Action. It will focus on conversations that lead to effective action and results.

We have covered the topics of What Is Transformation, Being Authentic, and Taming The Brain. You can go back and look at any of these blog posts on the blog page on our web site at

We spent more time on Taming the Brain than most topics because it is so essential to all the transformational disciplines. In our book, Transform, we cover fifteen essential transformational disciplines and practices.

We have a simple mind map now that covers all fifteen disciplines on one easy-to-read page. Download this entertaining mind map by clicking here.

This week we will wrap up with Taming the Brain topics, ending with a fun challenge in Friday’s blog.

So, be sure to check out Friday’s blog!

How are you doing on Taming The Brain disciplines and practices?

There are so many ways to tackle this….we have covered many….

Silence, solitude, meditation, contemplation, being in nature, using music to quiet yourself, practicing being present in the moment, “breathing down” being emotionally triggered, paying attention to all three intelligence centers-mental, emotional, instinctual, and on and on.

We have scratched the surface of this vast field of awareness, knowledge and practices. Yet, we have covered enough for someone to get started in taking new ground in this area of life.

So, ask yourself how you are doing in practicing these disciplines? Simply look at it, non-judgmentally. This is not about beating your self up. It is simply about noticing where you are. If you haven’t started practicing the taming the brain disciplines much, ask yourself why. What is getting in the way?

Wherever you are in this process, today is the perfect day to engage it with new enthusiasm if you have struggled with practicing it.

Taming the Brain disciplines are a means to an end. The end is more balance, harmony, integrity, connection, peace, awareness, and effectiveness. Yet, they run completely counter to the drift of the culture we live in.

I believe the biggest key to developing new habits like this is to have a vision for your life that is powerful enough to pull you through the challenges of transformation.
Here’s the premise: You have the potential to be a magnificent gift to the world and all those in your life. That is what you are capable of. Getting clear about what that looks like and developing it into a

clear, actionable vision for your life is the most powerful motivation for doing the work involved in growth and change

-transformational change.

That is something worth contemplating-your vision for your life.

Our Insiders Club is a month-by-month curriculum that starts with clarifying your vision for life and builds from there. It is the most effective learning curriculum we offer in developing transformational living on a sustainable basis. You can learn more about it, by clicking here.

Getting clear as possible on your vision for your life-self, family, friends, community, profession, spiritual growth….can lead to much higher levels of intentionality in consistently engaging the disciplines and practices that help you break through what normally stops you.

So, my encouragement to you today is to take account of where you are, what needs to shift and what is next for you in embracing the gift of life. Doing this periodically is a powerful life tuning-up discipline.
Where are you seeing results through Taming The Brain disciplines? Share with us on Facebook.
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