Enjoy 16 Courses on Transformational Living!
(More Being Added Shortly)
We organize the courses into a three level structure to provide sequential direction to students who desire to work through the material in an optimal order for maximum learning. The sixteen course modules were developed in a particular order, so if you choose to engage them that way, they are presented in that particular order below. However, each course is standalone also, so you can pick and choose as you see fit.
First Level Courses
Personal Awareness

1st Level Courses (101- 106)
This level focuses on deepening personal awareness. We only see a small percentage of the options and resource available in any given situation. These six courses help you uncover and discover new provision, such that you greatly increase your ability to be creative and effective even in the most difficult situations.
Second Level Courses
Relationships & Connection

2nd Level Courses (201- 206)
This level focuses on Creating Deep Connection & Health in Personal Relationships. These five courses focus on the interpersonal disciplines and practices that create transformational opportunities to create deep connection and health in the relationships that matter the most to you.
Third Level Courses
Generating Results

3rd Level Courses (301-305)
These five courses focus on Creating Optimal and/or Unprecedented Results With Others. In these courses we teach the disciplines and practices required to create intentional action and results. They put together all the disciplines covered in the previously offered courses in a glorious way that drives focused and clear action with others.
Review the information below for an example of what is included at each level of these courses
First Level Courses
Building Personal Awareness
We only see a small percentage of the options and resource available in any given situation. These six courses help you uncover and discover new provision, such that you greatly increase your ability to be creative and effective even in the most difficult situations.
Course 101:
Transformation-What it is & How to Engage it

Lay the foundation for the four shifts required to experience genuinely transformational results.
Course 102:
Taming the Brain

Create internal balance and harmony through simple disciplines & practices that create outsized value & fit into the flow of your life.
Course 103:
Being Authentic

Increasing your ability to be true to what is so for you for the purpose of creating connection & value with others.
Course 104:
Addressing Attitudes

Learning to quickly recognize & shift from unresourceful attitudes to resourceful attitudes to revitalize your experience of living.
Course 105:
Relationship With Mistakes & Failure

Achieving “stretch goals” by not tying failure & mistakes to an identity conversation about yourself or others.
Course 106:
Commitment to Transformation

The six steps to continuously creating newness & full engagement to create unprecedented results.
Second Level Courses
Creating Connection & Healthy Relationships
These five courses focus on the interpersonal disciplines and practices that create transformational opportunities to create deep connection and health in the relationships that matter the most to you.
Course 201:
Generous Listening

Explode your emotional & social intelligence through mastering the connecting power of generous listening.
Course 202:
Giving, Receiving & Soliciting Feedback

Eliminate blind spots & being blindsided plus create authentic connection through the art of giving & receiving feedback.
Course 203:
Collapsing Resistance & Tension

Transform resistance & tension from a problem to an opportunity for immediate deeper connection & openness.
Course 204:
Dissolving Conflict

Replace existing conflict with deeper understanding, discovery, & collaboration. Master the steps to achieving this.
Course 205:
Checking In With Others

Gain an accurate gauge on how a person or team is functioning to build connection, confidence & efficacy.
Third Level Courses
Creating Optimal and/or Unprecedented Results With Others
These five courses focus on the disciplines and practices required to create intentional action and results. They put together all the disciplines covered in the previously offered courses in a glorious way that drives focused and clear action with others.
Course 301:
Investigating Current Reality

Discover the “golden nuggets” in your current situation that you are missing. Successfully recalibrate & go again to accomplish your goals.
Course 302:
Co-Creating Agreement

Generate intentional action & authentic trust through masterful collaboration creating mutual success.
Course 303:
Enrolling Key Stakeholders

Build a network of committed advocates, champions & catalysts. Take your enterprise to the next level through committed stakeholders.
Course 304:
Conversations for Action

Make things happen through requests, promises & accountability. Build & maintain authentic trust to accelerate group momentum.
Course 105:
Living an Unhurried Life

Learn how to manage personal energy, take time for yourself, use time effectively & spend quality time with others, rather than the cultural “rat race.”